New promotion: DeFiFarms BUILD Program
Join the countdown now! We will launch starting from block #92689999, approximately on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 20:45:45 GMT+07:00 (Indochina Time).
What is DeFiFarms?
In short, DeFiFarms is bringing to the DeFi table a series of revolutionary solutions focused around ERC-721, The Non-Fungible Token — NFT Standards. DeFiFarm inherits all innovative functions from current Decentralized Finance Platforms such as Decentralized Trading, Swapping using AMM supported by Liquidity Providers and adds new cool functions utilizing NFT.
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Please do the required tasks to be eligible to get airdrop tokens.
🔸For Joining — Get 10 DEFIY ~$15
📘By Participating you are agreeing to the DeFiFarms(Airdrop) Program Terms and Conditions. Please see pinned post for more information.
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#DeFiFarms #DeFiFarmsNFTs #NFTs $DEFIY #DEFIF #DEFIY #IDO #Privatesale #Whitelist
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🔹 Total to earn per participant (if you complete all the tasks) = 75 DEFIF ~$15
✅ Airdrop Link: @DeFiFarmsNFTs_bot
(Note: Must Join Telegram Group, Channel & Follow Twitter Page then go next step)
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